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Essential Oils, Aromatic Herbs and Medical Astrology

Full Event Details:

Essential Oils, Aromatic Herbs and Medical Astrology

with Gabriel Mojay and Shellie Enteen

Aromatherapy and herbalism should necessarily be based on a sound understanding of both botanical pharmacology and modern pathophysiology. There are, however, insights to be gained from exploring the subtle, esoteric dimension of plant medicine and their associated aromatics— as doing so in a non-essentialist way can arguably deepen our insight into the psychological benefits of essential oils. It is an aspect of aromatherapy that finds its historical antecedents in the diverse use of natural plant fragrance in shamanistic practice and manifold spiritual traditions.

In this weekend class, Gabriel Mojay and Shellie Enteen share their long-standing study and practice of the Psychological and Medical Astrology of aromatic plants and essential oils. The course will cover the fascinating range of topics that together form the basis of an ancient intuitive discipline.

Participation on the course requires no prior knowledge of astrology, though previous training in aromatherapy or herbal medicine is required.

Gabriel and Shellie will introduce the fundamentals of Traditional Astrology with special reference to both psychological and physical health. They will discuss how the constitutional and emotional causes of disease are reflected ‘synchronistically’ in one’s individual Astrological Birth Chart – and in particular by the energetic tensions arising from the dynamic aspects between the different planets and the corresponding psychological drives that constitute one’s the core of one’s Birth Chart.

As part of the course, each participant will be given the opportunity to submit the necessary information (date of birth; time of birth; place of birth) for their Astrological Birth Chart to be prepared in advance of the course, according to the facilitators’ standards, in order to ensure each student’s wholly accurate reference point of study.

The course will encompass a critical look at the extant literary and ethnobotanical symbolism of various aromatic plants — and how their age-old mythological and planetary associations illuminate the therapeutic nature of their related herbs and essential oils.

What’s more, as we learn to interpret the individual Astrological Birth Chart in terms of health and energetic disharmony, we will at the same time examine the psychological benefits of relevant essential oils – including their most important evidence-based neuro-pharmacological activities; for example, the serotonergic activity of Lavandula angustifolia and how key neurotransmitters such as serotonin can be seen in the symbolic light of the fact that “Mercury owns the herb, and carries its effects very potently.” (Nicholas Cupleper, 1794)

Please note that the course will not include tuition in manual chart construction, as there is a wide choice of software that performs this function efficiently. Neither will we discuss astrology as a predictive tool. The emphasis, rather, will be on interpreting the Birth Chart from a psychological and therapeutic viewpoint — and as a symbolic mirror of character and soul.

The goal of the course is to train participants to use the Astrological Birth Chart to shed light on various issues relevant to individual well-being. In addition, it will provide further insight into the psycho-spiritual benefits of a range of important aromatic plants and essential oils — and how their selection and blending can be enhanced by sensitive use of the Birth Chart as a tool of intuitive ‘diagnosis’.

Join Gabriel and Shellie on this fascinating journey of discovery and self-discovery.



Fundamentals of Psychological and Medical Astrology

  • The polarities: Midheaven (MC)–Immum Coeli (IC); Ascendant (ASC)–Descendant (DES).
  • The triplicities: Fire, Earth, Air and Water; the Four Elements and Humours in diagnosis.
  • The quadruplicities: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable modes; Angular, Succedent, Cadent Houses.
  • The twelve Houses as time periods and arenas of life; their significance to personal health.
  • The twelve Signs of the Zodiac as archetypal character qualities; their traditional associations with bodily organs and aromatic plants.
  • The ten astrological Planets as archetypes of life and personality; dynamics of planetary aspects; traditional planetary associations with bodily systems and plants.


Traditional symbolism of aromatic plants

  • Essential oil fragrance energetics from the perspective of the Four Elements and Humours.
  • The mythological, astrological and alchemical symbolism of various aromatic plants; Planetary and Sign ‘rulership’; how symbolic associations reflect psycho-energetic faculties.


Integration and application 

  • The Astrological Birth Chart as a tool of intuitive ‘diagnosis’; and as an aid to gaining a deeper grasp of the mental-emotional factors involved patterns of ill-health.
  • Using the birth chart to enhance the selection and blending of relevant essential oils.



  • Course dates: Sat & Sun, March 16th & 17th 2023 from 9 am to 5 pm daily with
  • Presentation notes: extensive first-class PDF-slide presentation notes.
  • Visual Education & Plant ID: slides and slides notes illustrated by aromatic plant images from Gabriel’s personal library of over 6000 aromatic and medicinal plant photographs.
  • Zoom recording: webinar recordings made available for review for one year following sharing.
  • Class participation: participant questions and comments relevant to the diverse range of topics the class encompasses are welcome, while certainly not required.
  • CE Certificate of Attendance: jointly issued by the Heal Center Atlanta and the Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine & Aromatherapy (ITHMA), founded by Gabriel in London in 1990 ­– a year before he founded the Register of Qualified Aromatherapists, which merged to become the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) in 2002.

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National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

6000 S. 5th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83204




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