Welcome to Our New Blog!
Posted on March 07, 2008 0
This is a place where NAHA members and prospective members can come to learn about what's happening in our organization. As members, it is also YOUR blog, where you can share your ideas and experiences in regards to Aromatherapy.
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1990, at a time when Aromatherapy was very new in the US. You can read more about the history of NAHA here.
Over the past 18 years, NAHA has accomplished much in the advancement of true Aromatherapy, due entirely to dedicated volunteers who have a passion for Aromatherapy and educating the public on the safe and effective use of essential oils. NAHA is currently the largest professional organization for Aromatherapists in the United States, and the current Board and Directors are committed to creating a dynamic professional community amongst our members.
The blogs at the right belong to our members and Directors; please explore these blogs to learn more about Aromatherapy and what NAHA members are doing. If you are a NAHA member and would like your blog added, please contact us.
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