Anointing and Love: Anointing with essential oils has been used in ritual and ceremony for thousands of years, with one of the most widely known rites being the art of perfuming as an attractant for love. While most everyone today is familiar with the use of perfume and cologne as a tool for attracting a mate, most people don't know that essential oils were the original form of perfume. The word perfume comes from the Latin phrase "per" meaning through, and "fumus" meaning smoke. The original form of perfume was actually incense and has been traced back over 4,000 years to the use by Mesopotamians, who used resins and woods to burn in their religious ceremonies. Often, they would soak the resins and woods in water and then anoint themselves by rubbing the fragrant water over their bodies.
Aromatherapy and Weight Control: The use of essential oils in aromatherapy can be effective in supporting the weight loss process. Every diet and weight loss book, website and guru tries to offer something new to the debate about how to lose weight. The weight-loss industry is a fast-growing, multi-billion dollar industry and shows no sign of slowing down. For decades there has been an assortment of outlandish and unhealthy fad diets circulating - the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Brussels Sprouts Diet, even the Tape Worm Diet - but the fact remains that the most sensible way to lose weight is to watch what you eat and get regular exercise.
The Pleasure Factor: When good advice is not enough As a practitioner of several therapeutic modalities I am often asked by my clients to recommend a practice they can do on their own to maintain their sense of well-being between sessions or to manage various symptoms (mostly stress) during their hectic day. Being in constant search of such practices myself, I have learned first hand that the best and most effective practice is the one you will actually do! Over the years I have tried and failed to follow some great advice (like meditate and do yoga) and have discovered that all of the practices I actually do on a regular basis have one thing in common...pleasure!
Bedbugs and Dust Mites: When I was first introduced to aromatherapy, I studied every single aromatherapy book I could get my hands on at the public library. In one of those many books I stumbled upon information about bed bugs and dust mites. The entire topic caught my attention. First, because bugs are just gross, but also because of my dust allergies and skin sensitivities. One of the top selling products I created in our aromatherapy party plan business years ago was Bed Bug Spray. My recipe was super simple, but I couldn't make enough of it. Most people bought it because of the initial fear value of the possibility of creepy crawlies being in bed with you, but they continued buying it because it helped them sleep, reduced their allergies and they never got bed bug bites when they travelled.
Expanding Your Anointing Practice: By Candice Covington This mini-article is a follow up to the NAHA Subtle Aromatherapy issue (2010.1) article Amulets and Oils-in which the concept of a personal anointing practice is introduced where one could either anoint energy centers in the body (specifically chakral) or amulets that vibrate to different elemental energies that in turn effect the doshas. A list of exotic essential oils were offered at that time. This follow up article is intended to introduce more commonly used essential oils to expand and enrich that practice. If more in-depth information is required please see the before mentioned Journal's back issue.